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Twirl Your Way to Better Health with Square Dancing
Ellen Guthrie Special to the Democrat
Square dancing is a unique bl of physical exercise, social interaction, and mental stimulation that can significantly enhance your overall health. Here's how square dancing can improve both your body and mind.
Physical Benefits:
Square dancing offers an excellent low-impact, high-aerobic workout. According to Mayo Clinic, it burns calories, strengthens bones, and improves cardiovascular health. A recent study comparing country dancing with walking and stretching showed that the cognitive and physical demands of square dancing slow down some age-related mental declines.
Mental Benefits:
Mastering square dance steps is akin to learning a new language-do-si-do, allemande-left, right-and-left grand... Each call from the caller challenges your brn as you recall and execute the movements. Additionally, the social aspect of dancing with others provides a natural stress reliever.
Social Benefits:
Square dancing involves teamwork, where you form squares with three other changing couples. It's not just about following the steps; it's also about reacting to the caller’s instructions and enjoying the music. This dynamic environment fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among dancers.
Getting Started:
If you're interested in square dancing, consider atting an open house hosted by Tallahassee's Capital Twirlers Square Dance Club. These events take place on January 22 and 29 from 7-8 p.m. at the Tallahassee Senior Center, second-floor ballroom.
What to Expect:
Demonstration of basic steps.
Opportunity to participate in a beginner’s class starting February 5, taught by internationally renowned caller Elmer Sheffield.
Lessons are $2 per person per session.
Why Join Square Dancing?
Fun and Enjoyment: You'll be smiling within minutes, laughing, and wanting to keep dancing.
Physical Fitness: Constant movement with the music keeps you energized without being overly tiring.
Mental Stimulation: Learning new steps and reacting to the caller’s instructions provide mental challenges.
Ease of Learning: It's accessible for anyone in reasonable physical shape, offering a sense of accomplishment as you progress.
Social Interaction: The social aspect is integral, allowing you to meet new people and make fris.
Join Today:
Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your health while having fun! See you on the dance floor.
For more information:
Call 850 745-4795
Visit the Capital Twirlers Facebook page at www.facebook.comcapitaltwirlers or their website for updates.
Come and twirl your way to better health!
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Square Dancing Health Benefits Improve overall fitness Social square dance events Learn new dance steps Join square dance club Enjoy social interaction